This is the Modern Slavery Statement of National Health Servicing Assist Ltd, trading as MC Assist. National Health Servicing Assist Ltd was founded to provide a wide range of healthcare recruitment services to medical professionals and healthcare establishments. At MC Assist, we are committed to upholding ethical values and practices, and we recognise the importance of eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking from our operations and supply chains
Our Commitment
MC Assist is firmly committed to preventing any form of modern slavery or human trafficking within our organisation and supply chains. We strive to ensure that our business activities are conducted in a responsible and ethical manner, aligned with our core values of
- Fairness
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Collaboration.
Our Policies and Procedures
To fulfil our commitment, we have implemented the following policies and procedures:
- Supplier Due Diligence:
We conduct thorough assessments of our suppliers to ensure they share our values and adhere to anti-slavery and human trafficking laws.
- Employee Training:
Our employees are educated about the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking and are encouraged to report any concerns they may have.
- Whistleblowing Mechanism:
We have established a confidential reporting system that allows employees, suppliers, or other stakeholders to report any suspicions or incidents related to modern slavery.
- Continuous Improvement:
We are dedicated to continuously improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.
- Risk Assessment:
We regularly assess the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains.
- Due Diligence in Recruitment:
We ensure that all recruitment processes adhere to ethical standards and that candidates are treated with fairness and respect.
- Compliance with Laws:
We comply with all relevant anti-slavery and human trafficking laws and regulations.
- Collaboration:
We actively collaborate with stakeholders, industry groups, and organisations to share best practices and further our efforts to combat modern slavery.
Reporting and Monitoring
MC Assist is committed to monitoring and reviewing its anti-slavery efforts regularly. This includes the publication of annual Modern Slavery Statements to report on our progress and any actions taken. We are dedicated to transparency and accountability in our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking.
MC Assist is determined to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our business. We recognise that eliminating modern slavery and human trafficking requires ongoing diligence and effort. By working together with our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders, we aim to create a world where modern slavery is eradicated, and human rights are protected.
This Modern Slavery Statement reflects the commitment of MC Assist to these principles, and we will continue to take decisive actions to ensure a slavery-free future for all.